If you have donated or ordered online from a nonprofit that uses the 4aGoodCause fundraising platform you can view your donation history, print receipts and manage recurring donations inside your donor account. 

Follow these instructions to log in to your donor account. 

  1. Visit the donor portal for the nonprofit you gave to. Each nonprofit has its own donor portal. You can find this website via a link at the bottom of your donation receipts or from the Log In link at the top of the nonprofit's donation page.  If you cannot find the donor portal for a particular nonprofit reach out to support@4agoodcause.com.
  2. Once there, please enter your email address and password to log in.

If you forget your password click the Forgot Password link on your login screen. Enter an email address, and click the Email Instructions link on your login screen. Enter your email address, click the Email Instructions button and you will receive information on how to reset your password. 

If you are still having trouble accessing your account contact us at support@4agoodcause.com.